
Buy a House

Buy a House in the Netherlands with Our Assistance
Many expatriates wonder if they can buy a house in the Netherlands, and the short answer is, yes, they can. The country does not place restrictions on foreigners who want to buy a house; though, you must be registered and live there to get a mortgage.

Buying a house in your own country can be tricky, but when you’re an expat in the Netherlands, it can be even trickier. That is why we are happy to offer our assistance. We take care of everything and help you successfully navigate the process of searching for and acquiring a mortgage.

Find a Property

The first step is to find a property you want to buy. We work with various networks and have access to home-buying websites to assist. Additionally, our real estate agents will make your life easier.

When choosing a property, you should focus on:

Why use A

Property agent

Our property agents have in-depth knowledge of all the relevant legal issues and can mediate between the seller and you. Further, we arrange surveys and inspections, negotiate to get a good deal, and help you choose the best areas to live in.


The next step is to get a mortgage. To get the best deal, we advise you to know your budget and to research local banks. We can help you with this process, as well. Overall, your life will be easier with us on your side because our team makes it a point to know about the Netherlands and all it has to offer.
buy a house with a mortgage

Work with us

Are you ready to buy a house in the Netherlands? Whether you have lived there as a renter for a while or dislike the idea of renting, we can help you reach your goals. Call to talk to one of our team members today!