
Frequently asked


FAQs for Expats
Below, you will find the questions we receive most frequently. If your question is not listed, contact us, and we will help you right away!


An expatriate (expat) is someone who leaves their home country to reside in another. For example, if you were born in and live in India, but then you choose to move to the Netherlands, you’re an expat.
The process for becoming an expatriate differs based on the country you choose to live in. Each country has different requirements and visa rules. Depending on your nationality, you might require other procedures to get your visa.

For example, the Netherlands offers different visas, such as long-stay, temporary-stay, and short-stay visas. If you want to live in the country, you need a long-stay visa and must generally have a job there.

Often, you start with a short-stay visa to hold interviews for work. Once you get a job, you must tell the employer that you plan to become an expat. This avoids confusion and can accelerate the process of getting your long-stay visa.

We can help you decide which visa you need and assist you in applying for it.
Expat Ambassador is considered an information hub for everything related to expatriates. We want to provide you with unbiased and thorough data to help you get settled and succeed in your new country.

We are a trustworthy entity that offers information about financing, taxation, real estate, rentals, appraisals, building inspections, notaries, moving services, and so much more.
Whether you are just starting to imagine yourself living in the Netherlands or are muddling through the process already, we can help you achieve your goals. Browse through the informational categories on our page or contact us for direct assistance. We are here to ensure that everything runs smoothly, so you can live life to the fullest!
Are you ready to move to the Netherlands? Regardless of where you are on your journey, we can assist. Please call today for a consultation!

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Are you ready to get started on your new adventure? It’s just a few clicks away. Browse the many informational articles and guides, or contact us to speak with someone directly. We’re here for you and want to make this a streamlined and exciting journey!