Personalized Expat

Housing advice

Personal Advice About Moving to the Netherlands and Finding a Proper Living
If you’re planning to relocate to the Netherlands from abroad, it is crucial to get advice regarding what to do. This is a popular country for expats because it offers a high standard of living and is a more tolerant society.

We can help you handle everything related to your move, including taxation, financing, and real estate. Continue reading for a few tips that can make life easier.

How we HELP

Arrange a Visa

We can help you learn about the immigration requirements to the Netherlands. If you are an EFTA or EU resident, you don’t need a visa, but you must register with the government if you plan to live in the country for more than four months. Those outside the EFTA/EU require residence permits and entry visas, and we can help you through the process.

Find a Job and Place to Live

You don’t require a job to move to the Netherlands, but it makes life easier. Most people get a job offer before they start the process. Once you have accomplished that, it is crucial to learn about expat housing and the residential areas nearby. We help you find a place to live, whether you’re hoping to buy real estate or want to rent.

Rent a House

Our team is here for anyone who may be looking for a new home in the Netherlands. We can help you rent a house in the Netherlands as an expat without legal problems, including all legal aspects.

Buy a House

Buying a house in your own country can be tricky, but when you’re an expat in the Netherlands, it can be even trickier. That is why we are happy to offer our assistance. We take care of everything and help you successfully navigate the process of searching for and acquiring a mortgage.

Mortgage Advice

We will help you go through all of the special requirements you need as an expat for expat mortgages. In this way, you will get the financing you need, which necessarily depends upon your personal situation.

PErsonalized expat housing advice

The best thing you can do is research the Netherlands and work with our team of specialists. We are here to assist with all aspects of your move and make things easier for you. Contact us today to get started on your new journey.